Night of a Fisherman_Newlyn And Penzance
Newlyn and Penzance
Night awaited us in Newlyn. Blinking white lights directing our road. “Do you have any dogs onboard?, asked the fisherman port watcher, suspiciously directing the flashlight into our faces and inside the hull of the boat. “A, no, Ok, than you are welcome.”
Newlyn is a fisherman port, dozens and dozens of fishing boats in their crying blue, yellow and orange colours. The biggest in England. Delivery trucks that bring fresh fish to our friendly local seller working 24/7.
Plastic clothes from feet to the head, hands in the ice all the time, endless fish smell, night work. Dragging the dead fish with the foot into the shipping containers. Dirty shower for 1 pound for ten minutes of boiling water. Just clear colors, Yellow and Blue. The dress code of the contemporary fisherman.
We have left the idea of romantic contemplation of the sea already somewhere beyond the horizon, but now we had to do it again.
Leaving reality check on the side, Newlyn and Penzance are fantastic cities. Jewels of Piracy. The real Admiral Benbow Inn from Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island is here. Escape tunnels in all the basements. They also have Jills, a shop with everything, the real MacGyver store. We got plastic helmet against the waves for our Fredy (Mercury 5HP), batteries, alcohol for burning, lighters with an image of almost naked men and kneepads.
Searching for wifi that we could not find anywhere we came across Newlyn art gallery. Expecting normal touristic crap we were deeply surprised. The show was called In search of the Miraculous, wih Jan Bas Ader, Chris Burden, Francis Alys, Guido Van der Werve, just giants. Also Max was presented in one of the videos about JanBas Aders life. Brilliant show and for the first time on our journey all the elements came together. The sea became our friend again.
We restarted the road at 4.30 A.M.