Plymouth to Fowey
It is already five days that we are stuck in plymouth's dock where our time is limited to fix the damages of our crossing of the Channel. We want to install the electricity, seal the linking roof, buy the demolished equipment and some important missing gears.
The weather forecast finally suggest a profitable window and we are exited to finally hit the road again. The sound of Plymouth and its big breaking waves on its entrance have passed, so here we are, heading to Falmouth, our next destination. 40 nautical miles, with the 10 to 15 knots wind expected we can do in 10 hours. Like this we will be there for the aperitif. This fantasy had quickly hit the reality of the sea. After couple of miles the wind and waves started to raise, again. Not as forecasted, as strong and unchangeable as we have already experienced, we have no more choices than to escape to nearest shelter. After a long standoff we finally reached the mouth of Fowey, completely wet, exhausted and stunned by the violence of this sea.
We began to recognize that our boat is absolutely not adapted to this powerful and capricious sea. Nevertheless we understand more and more our limits and those of the vessel, she gives us sometimes the feeling of not wanting to sail. She let us know that through the laws of the half an hour : every half an hour something bad happens, if not, something really bad will happen soon. Every days we face emergency situations, it's always a matter of using the rockets or the life raft. It's not tomorrow that we will stop shitting blood.
The scenic beauty of this seaside village does not keep us awake, we swallow the pre prepared soup and we crush us in our moisty sleeping bags at 20h30.
Tomorrow we will finish our planed road.