Trebeurden to Lezardrieux
7 a.m., sharp as the sunset, Hervé arrives to our boat. Shorts, skipper jacket and a pair of slippers under the arm. Here is Hervé, our accompanist on this first sail of Soutien de Famille.
Immediately on board Hervé takes the router, cut the ropes and set sails to Paimpol. He knows the place inside out, it's his district he said. All the boats quitting the small Trebeurden harbor with us use the same road, not us. Hervé decides to follow a shortcut between the reefs. With a firm step we advance to our goal : the vein of the English channel and it tide streams. If we were not stuck in a sand band for 15 minutes, our lead on the rest of the pack would be more than 2 hours. The vein that Soutien de Famille reached is flirting with the 8 nautical knots, unreal.
After some mackerel were cought, small touristic tour done, Hervé request a stop at Lezardrieux before our final destination. He argues that the harbour at Lezandrieux is open 24/7, no entrance at Paimpol and all in all, Paimpol is not that cool. As quickly as we arrived, Hervé disappeared to bistro table.
His curiosity to test the boat has allowed us to experience a first test with her. We are not yet confident or even aware of the boat limits but we feel good. We managed to quit Trebeurden and its endless days and nights of catching up the delay accumulated by the shipyard.